XB was named for “Experimental Blair”, but make no mistake, these Sauces&Spices (for the most part) are no experiment. They are the culmination of my more than three decades immersed in a Spicy World waaaaay before it was cool to be. All XB’s Are Hand produced in Micro Batch- For reference we make Death Sauces in production Runs of 1200 gallon batches (tiny for Tabasco, huge for Death Sauce) By contrast- XB’s are produced in Total batch Size Of Just 1-4 gallons total.. But Why? Because in reality these sauces Could Not be replicated on a mass scale. This is Due to numerous reasons including: Scarce ingredient availability, Packaging, impractical (but best result) methodology of production to just name a few. I have so many ideas over the years for sauces but they couldn’t be realized on a mass scale and didn’t want to not see them carried out any longer. The pleasure I receive from hearing your excitement and pleasure in enjoying these Sauces & Spices as much as me is truly priceless. You are the Reason XB has already taken on a life far bigger than I dreamed only a couple of months ago. So far XB’s have delivered to Over 14 countries and 42 states in the USA. The number of XB’s produced varies from as few as 12 or less to a Max of 96 (quantities more than 96 will be clearly noted. Haven’t made more than 96 of any flavor as of March 2022) with most bottles being one of only about 30 per flavor…In total. These are Truly made in micro batches and most over made with the most exclusive rare/near impossible to find specimens level ingredients on every level. Enjoy these bottles filled with Luv & Great Karma as much as I do. Feel Alive, B

Blair’s XB

Crystal Death XB


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Blair’s XB



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Blair’s XB

Royal Verde 17 oz


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Blair’s XB

ChocoLuV 8 oz


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Blair’s XB



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Blair’s XB

Aztec Soul


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Blair’s XB

Death Tonic

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Blair’s XB

Head Trauma Naga


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